Data Products: A Business Analyst Exploring Data in Self-service

In the previous piece, we uncovered the different characteristics of a well-designed data product. In this second blog, we will illustrate a real case scenario that tells the story of a data analyst, “Fred”, trying to navigate the complexities of his data landscape using our data product platform.

The Real-time Data Revolution

IT-powered innovations, the Internet of Things and new generation customer demands are fueling real-time data creation. In this new data landscape, businesses from all industries are quickly shifting from batch processing to real-time data streams to match the new imperatives. In this blog, our marketing analyst, Selima Triki, unpacks the concept of real time and real-time data, some of its benefits and applications.

Data Collection, a First Step in Maximising the Value of Your Data

Pushing the limits of your data doesn’t have to be a difficult task. Still, if left alone, data has little to no value. Read this article and bring your data to life by taking proactive actions towards understanding how to overcome the challenges that data collection can pose. Sometimes simple solutions can solve complex problems.